viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

Show & Tell: Explorers

Dear students,
These are the guidelines for the show and tell that needs to be presented next Thursday 9th June. 
You will also find the rubrics that will be used to assess your presentation.

- You have to choose one known explorer (from the present or past), and present it to your classmates. 

- You have to bring only one image to support your presentation.

- This presentation will be assessed with two different rubrics; you will be given one grade for your performance and use of language (English), and another one for the content presented (natural science).

- You need to focus on the technology (innovations) used by the explorer, explaining how it helped to enable the expedition. You also have to explain what the innovations were and what was their purpose (characteristics and use).

- The purpose of  the expedition needs to be clear, including historical context that helps understand the motivation to explore.

- Choose an explorer that you find interesting and fun! In that way, you can enjoy the inquiry process much more (and the presentation too!).

- Your show and tell should last between 2 and 5 minutes.

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